A Day of Serving Others

Saturday, February 12 | 9:30am - 12:00pm |

Serving others is part of Loving God. We have planned a day of serving our community that includes giving out backpacks to the homeless and we will go pay for people's laundry at the laundromats. What an amazing time of serving others this will be. We will meet at the church on Feb. 12th at 9:30 am and leave from there.

How can YOU be a part of this special day?

1. Pray for the day that the lives are touched, and changed!

2. Shop for the items needed for the backpacks. Food, hygiene products, bottled water.

3. Sign up to be a part of the special day!

4. Come help fill the backpacks on Feb. 10th. at 6:30 pm.

Also: We will give out the blankets that were brought in, and we will have a jar out to collect quarters for the laundromats.

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